广传福音 培养门徒 建立教会
To share the gospel, develop disciples, and establish churches

Worship & Fellowship

Our routine gatherings include Sunday worship services, family group meetings, student fellowship meetings, and special event celebrations etc. You are invited to join us. Should you need a ride to our events, please contact us.

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Nurturing materials

信徒应当追求属灵生命的成长,平衡全备地认识真理,真正成为耶稣基督的门徒,活出荣神益人的生命。Believers should pursue spiritual growth and maturity, learn and know the truth in fullness and balance, become a true disciple of Jesus Christ, and live out lives that glorify God and benefit others.

About us

睦邻华人教会(布兰福华人宣道会)诚挚邀请你一起来认识耶稣,接受祂的宝贵的救恩,一起来敬拜赞美神!Good Neighbour Chinese Church (Formerly Brantford CAC) sincerely invites you to come to know Jesus, receive his priceless salvation and redemption, and worship God together.

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联系我们 Contact us

主日崇拜地点 Sunday worship location:
实体+网上 In-person & Online

506 West St, Brantford, ON



Office time: Tuesday to Sunday by appointment